
If you would like to return your purchase, simply return the item(s) within 30 days of receipt and enclose a copy of your order number.

On receipt of the returned items, we will re-credit the original purchaser’s credit card with a full refund (excluding your original delivery charge). Please allow up to ten working days for the funds to reflect on your account. If any items are returned to us after 7 working days, we will issue you with a credit/gift code which you will be able to use on your next purchase with us.

Please return all goods in their original unworn condition and with all packaging and tags etc intact. Please do not try on any garments in a smoky area or wear aftershave/deodorant which may leave a scent or marks on the garment.

Due to hygiene reasons, we cannot accept any returns of underwear and swimwear.

We advise all customers to thoroughly check garments upon delivery and ensure suitability and fit before removing any attached tags.

For your protection we strongly recommend that you use a recorded-delivery service or a courier that will offer you a proof of delivery. Please note, Proof of posting is not proof of receipt and all goods remain the responsibility of the customer until they are received back by Hummi Boutique. 

If an exchange is required, any increase in price will need to be paid for by the customer before the replacement item can be despatched. If the value of the exchanged goods is lower, the difference will be credited/refunded to the original purchasers credit card.

Please return the product to the following address: 

Hummi Boutique

1146 Greenlane

